13 early signs of Parkinson's Disease
1. Tremors
Early symptoms of Parkinson’s can include tremors in the hands and cramped handwriting.
2. Difficulty walking
Subtle changes in a person’s walking pattern could be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease.
3. Cramped or small handwriting
Micrographia is a disorder that involves abnormally small or cramped handwriting.
4. Loss of smell
Hyposmia occurs when someone loses their ability to smell.
5. Sleep problems
Parkinson’s disease can severely affect a person’s ability to sleep.
6. Poor balance
Parkinson’s disease specifically targets nerve cells called basal ganglia, which reside deep within the brain.
7. Bradykinesia
Bradykinesia is a term that means slowness or absence of movement.
8. Facial masking
Facial expressions involve many subtle, complex muscle movements.
9. Vocal changes
Changes in the volume and quality of a person’s voice is another early sign of Parkinson’s disease.
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